The Campetella robots always stand out for their precision, reliability and extreme operational speed; all essential features as far as the food packaging industry is concerned.
“The focus is on precision, speed, versatility, reliability, safety and application-specific programmability”, explains Elia Campetella during an interview given at the CRC 2020 Open House held in the Montecassiano (MC).
Two automation systems were specifically created for the occasion, undisputed protagonists of this event and both of them designed for IML (In-Mold Labeling) applications on food packaging.
Two Automation Systems for Quick Operations

On one hand we have a compact side-entry robot, the Mini-MODULA X-Series, responsible for IML on plastic cups for yogurt made of polypropylene (PP). Equipped with a quick and compact horizontal arm, it allows a very fast label inserting and product take-out operations.
A specific tilting axis guarantees a hygienic process ending with the cups being stacked upside down with their openings on the conveyor belt. The Mini-MODULA, thanks to its minimal footprint, hand in hand with the new X-Series CO1 Cartesian robot. Its electric servo axis is the right hand to move the stacks of cups from the conveyor to a storage box. We are talking about a four-cavity system with a total cycle time of no more than 2.0 seconds and IMM interlock time of 0.6 seconds only.
Next to it the high-speed side-entry MODULA X-Series, top solution for labelling plastic cheese spread tubs. Equipped with a very fast label feeder with servo drive to manage the 5-sided labels, the robot hygienically performs the upside down stacking of the tubs on the conveyor belt. His right arm, a SPIN3 Scara X-Series robot, grips the labelled stacks and quickly deposits them in a transport box. Labelling takes place within a 4-seconds cycle time and an IMM interlock time of only 0.9 seconds.
Productivity, Strategy and Marketing

In a hectic world upset by pandemics and economic crises, what are the main elements to focus on?
- Productivity
- Flexibility
- Cost Reduction
These are the key elements to work on, in a situation that requires the highest standards of hygiene and safety for both products and processes.
In such a delicate context, what we all need to do is to invest courageously on innovation and that is exactly what Campetella has done by creating a new range of robots for stack-molding applications. We are talking about a technology that is capable of doubling the production capacity while reducing investment costs of both machinery and energy consumption.

Strategic Analysis and Marketing of the Campetella company
The strategic marketing department has recently run an in-depth analysis of the injection molding market focusing on the medical-pharmaceutical, food packaging and disposable cutlery sectors. The study showed how in such contexts, that often share high production volumes, stack-molding technology is particularly successful.
The common need to increase productivity per square meter while reducing the systems footprint, is one of the main prerogatives of anyone working in such constantly growing sectors. By listening to its customers’ voice, Campetella has realized how much reliability, cleanliness and silence are now essential elements in the most modern robotic systems. Reliability is essential to avoid unplanned downtime, cleaning promises the maximum hygiene of the final products and silence helps to work in a more pleasant environment, improving the operator satisfaction. Last but not least, the captivating aesthetics and attention to detail reveal both the quality of Campetella products and the modernity of its production systems.
That is exactly the reason why the stack molding robot range was created; to fill the void with a rich offer of top-entry and side-entry models based on our qualified high-speed robots. Such a complete selection can satisfy the most specific needs of high productivity sectors, from high-speed take-out to in-mold labeling (IML) up to onboard assembly.
Innovative Materials from Motorsport Industry to Achieve Superior Performance
In this regard, best-seller GS2 X-Series top-entry robot is definitely worth mentioning. An uncompromising model for ultra-fast take-out applications, designed for the food packaging world with solutions and materials more typical of the motorsport industry rather than classic automation.

In order to achieve superior performance, we decided to rely on innovative materials and construction technologies commonly used in the racing field, where the company boasts excellent experience thanks to the Campetella Racing Team, a private team that distinguished itself between 2000 and 2008 for its numerous successes and positioning in the 125cc and 250cc classes. By blending the best of these two worlds, apparently distant but sharing the pursuit of maximum performance, we have come up with the creation of a robot largely made of carbon fiber and light alloys.
Thanks to the work of their engineers, carried out with the most advanced Finite Element Method (FEM) techniques, we have succeeded in obtaining highly optimized structures.
This made it possible to obtain:
- Class-leading accelerations
- Extremely low cycle times
- Low vibrations
- Highest reliability
Customer support in high volume production sectors
The experience gained at supporting customers in high-volume production and high number cavity sectors has led to increasingly targeted solutions capable to minimize both IMM cycle and intervention time. Solid ground stands, ultra-light moving parts and powerful servomotors outline the construction philosophy of mechanics designed for maximum productivity, which are enhanced by the latest generation electronics and an internally developed proprietary software aiming at optimizing the cycle while reducing any latency in the interaction between the robot and the IMM.
Campetella Robotic Center defines itself as:
“an international company with a family character”
The mission is to put its passion, know-how and technology at the service of its customers while supporting them with honesty, transparency and expertise hroughout the automation of their production process.
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